
A trusted Resource for Learning

We are firm believers in the importance of passing along technical knowledge, best practices, and other key findings to people who can put this proven expertise to work.

Our experts are local and regional leaders in the education of principles and advanced applications of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

We develop and deliver specialized a tailor made training courses and workshops, where we offer our knowledge and experience through a variety of modern training approaches, and using the latest available tools and educational materials.

Our courses include Facility energy management, Introduction to energy conservation, Introduction to water conservation and management, Introduction to renewable energy, Introduction to Energy Value Engineering, Green buildings, Efficient lighting, Efficient heating and cooling, Efficient steam systems, Efficient motors, pumps, and drives, Efficient compressed air systems, industrial water management, design of solar thermal systems, design of solar photovoltaic systems, design of geothermal heat pumps, fundamentals of wind energy.